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  2. 獎學金搜尋引擎
  3. Griffith Sciences Articulation Scholarship

Griffith Sciences Articulation Scholarship

  • Griffith University
  • 獎學金價值:10% of tuition fees
  • 校區:All
  • 境內/境外:ALL
  • 申請截止日:


For students applying for Griffith Sciences undergraduate programs and articulati ng from an eligible Vietnamese institution.


澳洲學歷資格框架 Bachelor Degree (Undergraduate)
自動審核 YES
申請進度 Following application for admission, if an applicant is assessed to be eligible for this scholarship, Griffith International will formally advise of the Scholarship Offer in the Letter of Offer for the program.


課程專業 Science
國籍 All
學術成績背景要求 Be articulating directly and receiving credit, and have not attempted further study prior to articulating into an eligible Sciences articulation program.
其他要求 Be commencing and enrolling as a full-time student in an eligible undergraduate program at Griffith University
面試需求 NO