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  4. Bachelor of Criminology

Bachelor of Criminology

  • University of Adelaide (UoA)
  • Course CRICOS Code:089645E
  • 世界大學排名(QS):NO.106
  • 課程長度:156 Weeks
  • 州:South AustraliaSA
  • 澳洲城市:Adelaide
  • 開學日:Semester 1,Semester 2


1. Examine criminal and anti-social behaviour; 2. debate the causes and consequences of crime; 3. investigate policing and crime prevention techniques; 4. question justice and corrections systems; 5. learn how to conduct research on emerging threats, such as cybercrime, organised crime, and terrorism.


課程專業 Criminology
學院 Faculty of Law and Politial Science
澳洲學歷資格框架 Bachelor Degree (Undergraduate)
2024學費(每年) $AUD 35,000
課程長度 156 Weeks
校區 North Terrace


學術要求 1. GPA Requirement: ATAR 75% or equivalent 2. International applicants must satisfy specific course entry requirements, please refer to university website for details.
英語要求 IELTS 6.5 (6.0 in Writing, Speaking, Listening and Reading) or equivalent
作品集需求 NO
工作經驗需求 NO