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  4. Bachelor of Medical Science and Doctor of Medicine (Joint Medical Program)

Bachelor of Medical Science and Doctor of Medicine (Joint Medical Program)

  • The University of Newcastle
  • Course CRICOS Code:082394J
  • 世界大學排名(QS):NO.197
  • 課程長度:5 years
  • 州:New South WalesNSW
  • 澳洲城市:Newcastle
  • 開學日:Semester 1


Launch your medical career in a world-class medical degree program. This program has been designed to ensure it is and remains relevant to a rapidly changing health care environment. You will graduate having learned the medical expertise and skills to help maintain and promote individual and community health in Australia and around the world. Gain your qualification with support from medical education experts and medical and inter-professional health care practitioners.


課程專業 Medicine
學院 Faculty of Medicine
澳洲學歷資格框架 Bachelor Degree (Undergraduate),Doctoral Degree (PhD)
2024學費(每年) $AUD 76,328
課程長度 5 years
校區 Newcastle


學術要求 All applicants must satisfy the minimum academic requirement based on their most recent studies either secondary or tertiary. Your academic eligibility will be assessed when you lodge the direct application.
英語要求 IELTS overall minimum - 7.0 IELTS section minimum - 7.0
作品集需求 NO
工作經驗需求 NO