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  4. Bachelor of Biomedical Science

Bachelor of Biomedical Science

  • The University of Newcastle
  • Course CRICOS Code:023110D
  • 世界大學排名(QS):NO.197
  • 課程長度:3 years
  • 州:New South WalesNSW
  • 澳洲城市:Newcastle
  • 開學日:Semester 1


Advance the progress of medical science. And your career potential. At the University of Newcastle, we equip biomedical scientists with the knowledge and skills to improve health outcomes within Australia and across the globe. Your studies will provide you with ‘career-ready’ skills to ensure you are well prepared to collaborate on scientific investigations of human structure and function in health and disease at a molecular, cellular and whole systems level. You may work as a cutting-edge medical researcher contributing to advancements in the diagnosis and management of disease, as an expert in commercialisation, testing and development of innovative medical therapies, or as a medical science communicator. With further postgraduate training, you may also become a medical practitioner with enhanced research capabilities, or a secondary school science teacher helping to inspire the next generation of scientists.


課程專業 Biomedical Science
學院 Faculty of Science
澳洲學歷資格框架 Bachelor Degree (Undergraduate)
2024學費(每年) $AUD 39,320
課程長度 3 years
校區 Newcastle


學術要求 Admission to our undergraduate degree programs usually requires successful completion of a senior secondary school qualification similar to the Higher School Certificate (HSC), the highest educational award in New South Wales schools.
英語要求 IELTS overall minimum - 6.0 IELTS section minimum - 6.0
作品集需求 NO
工作經驗需求 NO