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  4. Bachelor of Arts

Bachelor of Arts

  • The University of Newcastle
  • Course CRICOS Code:001602K
  • 世界大學排名(QS):NO.197
  • 課程長度:3 years
  • 州:New South WalesNSW
  • 澳洲城市:Newcastle
  • 開學日:Semester 1,Semester 2


Enrich your mind, diversify your skills and safeguard your future with our new work-ready arts degree at the University of Newcastle. Studying our new Bachelor of Arts (BA) degree at the University of Newcastle lets you forge your own path. Tailor your studies and gain core specialisations by choosing from 12 majors, 21 minors and 100s of courses in the arts and humanities, leading to diverse careers. Study a range of courses to better understand and appreciate the world around you, and what it means to be human. Explore ideas, theories and records of how people process the human experience. You will learn about society, culture, history, language, media, politics and more. If you’re hungry for knowledge and enlightenment, an arts degree will allow you to turn your interests into meaningful careers.


課程專業 Arts
學院 Faculty of Arts
澳洲學歷資格框架 Bachelor Degree (Undergraduate)
2024學費(每年) $AUD 30,390
課程長度 3 years
校區 Newcastle


學術要求 Admission to our undergraduate degree programs usually requires successful completion of a senior secondary school qualification similar to the Higher School Certificate (HSC), the highest educational award in New South Wales schools. To check if your qualification is recognised for direct entry into the University of Newcastle, please refer to the entry requirement tables below.
英語要求 ELTS overall minimum - 6.0, IELTS section minimum - 6.0
作品集需求 NO
工作經驗需求 NO